Frequently Asked Question

Q: How many ways to place my order?

  1. Place your order online via Shopping Cart (Account is optional)
  2. Call our Hunting Line: 603-7982 7966
  3. Fax to 603-7981 7922
  4. Email to

Q: How is my items shipped?

  1. Free delivery to Kuala Lumpur and Selangor areas for order more than RM 50.00
  2. Good are shipped through transport company or Pos Laju Malaysia. The prices can be referred as below:

    Weight (kg) West Malaysia (RM) East Malaysia (RM)
    0 – 19.99 12.00 24.00
    20 – 29.99 22.00 44.00
    30 – 39.99 32.00 64.00
    40 – 49.99 42.00 84.00
    50 – 59.99 52.00 104.00
    60 – 69.99 62.00 124.00
    70 – 79.99 72.00 144.00
    80 – 89.99 82.00 164.00
    90 – 99.99 92.00 184.00
    100 and above 102.00 204.00

Q: How long will my item be delivered?

  1. For West Malaysia, the estimated delivery time is 1 to 3 days upon payment received.
  2. For East Malaysia, the estimated delivery time is 1 to 5 days upon payment received. Delivery time may varies depends on the types of courier service and shipping company.

Q: How many ways of payment methods available?

  1. Bank Transfer

    Bank Name Public Bank Berhad
    Bank Account Name Tong Hin Machinery Hardware Trading Sdn Bhd
    Account Number 3167102710

    After payment made, kindly inform us with any channel below:

    Telephone 603-7982 7966
    WhatsApp 016-3324 622

    We will send the item immediately upon payment received.

  2. We accept Cash / Credit Card / Debit Card for own collection orders.

Q: Is GST included in the prices?

  1. All prices shown are exclusive of 0% GST. The GST amount will appear upon checkout.
  2. GST Registration No: 000255688704